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This book is a collection of disturbing observations of our modern society written with a kind eye. Dazzling readers with his wit, dedication to truth, high-wire use of words, and a genuine love of the lost, the author keeps even the keenest mind on edge. Few writers are exploring both the English language and our views of the Chicano Experience in America like de los Rios. With Kids in Cages, he brings a human touch to a dark portrait of living in an age dominated by mania, confusion and self-interest.

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Down The Highlands Way is a wild tangle of human failure and frail hope characterizes this volume of poems and short stories. de los Rios writes with an audacity tempered by humanity as he explores the underbelly of what we find normal.

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The Literary Vine is a literary journal collection of short stories encompassing a wide range of modern-day issues and voices. The publication is known for echoing the stories of women and the disturbed with profound respect.



From Carlos' Upcoming

Book of Poetry, Payments to Pornstars

the men of power
seeing their control
slip away
steadily while smiling
for the cameras,
acting like nothing
is wrong
with their definition
of law and their
complete lack of
learning about
what has happened,
lie over lie,
day after day,
dog eat dog mindset
crippling their feeble
brains, unable to
simply see out the window;
a world on fire,
a people growing sick
and growing sick of them
and the fat stacks
of bullshit they’ve
laid like so much brick
and mortar
to shield themselves
from the inevitable
when the small,
the different,
the female,
the brown
just won’t have it

Coming Soon

Carlos' next book of poetry, Payments to Pornstars,

will be published in the fall of 2021!

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